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Fall 2005 and Spring 2006
Contest Winning Poems

The Dubose & Dorothy Heyward Society Prize
Deborah Lawson Scott

The Footlight Players Prize
Michael H. Lythgoe

The John Edward Johnson Prize
Kimberly Simms

The John Robert Doyle, Jr., Prize
Michael H. Lythgoe

The Post & Courier Prize
George Pope

The Forum Prize
Carol Furtwangler

The Humorous Verse Prize
James J. Lundy

The Lyric Poem Prize
Henk Brandt

The Peter Pan Prize
Jane Emerson Blewer

The Patricia and Emmett Robinson Prize
Debra A. Daniel

The Skylark Prize
Duncan Wallace Moore

The William Gilmore Simms Prize
Henk Brandt

The Marjorie E. Peale Prize
Debra A. Daniel

The Beatrice Ravenel Prize
Debra A. Daniel

The Pegasus Prize
Jules Riley

The Constance Pultz Prize
George Pope

The Kinloch Rivers Memorial Prize
Kit Loney

The Archibald Rutledge Prize
Dennis Ward Stiles

The John H. Bennett, Jr. Prize
Dennis Ward Stiles

The Jeanne Crandall Broulik Memorial Prize
Dennis Ward Stiles
Fall 2005 | Spring 2006 Winning Poems: List
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